Wednesday, November 3, 2010

RC Car Ministry

settling in

It's November, Ian is 9 years old now and completely into Indiana Jones.  We got into a rental house back in September.  It's a three bedroom two bath house with no garage, one broken gas heater and a gas fire place.  The kitchen doesn't have enough drawers, but has good cabinet space.  I am getting used to not having a garbage disposal.  Everette and I signed a 12 month lease.  I am still trying to find places for everything.
Everette is working for SatPros, installing satellite like Dish Network and Direct TV.  Ian and Tristan are doing very well at the elementary school here.  You know, we just had election day, and I didn't register to vote in time.  So I jokingly told my grandparents to vote for me, meaning that they should vote in my stead.  They piped up saying they would vote for me, as in elect me to office.  My Mom agreed.  Where did this come from?  She says that I am an active person.  I didn't think I was THAT involved with things.  I mean, I attend MOPS, I just became assistant den leader for the WEBELOS 1 cub scouts.  But right now that is about it.  Oh, and I am a member of the PTO.  Though I have yet to hear anything from them.  Ok, I am done thinking about it.  Seriously, I am all about being active in the community, just never thought about running for a leadership position like that.  Maybe some day.  Granted, I am sure even small towns prefer to see someone with a bit of college education.