Thursday, November 15, 2018

Head Covering

    As I shared with you before, I have began covering in prayer and prophecy as according to Paul's teachings in 1 Corinthians 11.  I love it!  Every day I choose to wear something over my hair (which is slowly growing back).  I choose to do this.  Nobody makes me do it.  Sometimes, okay a lot of times, I wear a covering all day because one never knows when one might find themselves in prayer.  So I cover according to Scripture.

    I love head covering so much more than I ever thought I would.  All my life I have had a secret desire to wear veils, not unlike Catholic Nuns do.  This goes in line with my also secret desire to actually be a Nun.  However, I am not Catholic, and Baptists don't necessarily have an equivalent.  Turns out, I really want is to be closer to God.  When I shaved my head, I suddenly felt "naked".  Don't get me wrong, I thought and still think the shaved head look was pretty awesome, and I was happy to be able to donate all of my hair.  But this feeling of being naked or uncovered really drove me into the scriptures and prayer.  Lots of prayer.  So I started covering, and the more that I covered the more I felt in line with God's Will.  So my love of covering has grown with that.

    Things have changed since I started covering, and for the better.  How I react/interact with my husband has changed:  I don't get mad so easily, I don't blow up quite like I had, and I have noticed a difference in my attitude when I am not wearing a covering vs. when I am.  I am more aware of how I should respond because I am wearing this symbol of authority on my head.  I feel more focused on God when I am praying.  I don't feel the fear and anxiety that I did before.  I KNOW that God is in control.  I mean, I've always known that, but now I feel like I really KNOW it.  Change is good, don't you think?

    Okay, so some of you might have gotten this far and are still thinking "She's oppressed!  She's being controlled by a man!  etc. etc."  No.  I'm not.  This was my choice, and my husband supports it.  In fact, his response was "It's your head, do what you want."  Well, my head allows me to show that I choose to be under authority, just like my wedding band shows that I choose to be married to my husband.  Here's the order of authority:  God - Jesus - Man - Woman.  It's a respect thing, not a control thing.  I know that I cannot explain it exactly right, so I am going to leave some book titles and websites for you to check out for a better understanding.  There are also youtube videos that are easily searchable.  


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