This morning I had a WIC appointment scheduled for 9am out in town. I finally have custody of the van today to do this and a couple other things. Getting close to 9, so I load the boys into the van and make sure I have my id, wic folder, cell phone, bill or some proof of address, and LES (paycheck stub). Wait, where is the LES that I had in the van since last week? It's missing and dh doesn't know his log in information, and doesn't remember where he wrote it down.
Cancel WIC, reschedule for next week. Ok, let's go geocaching with the two little ones. This will be fun. Stop one, find. Two and three, no luck. Four was a fun find at the California Welcome Center. Five and six were a bust, and Seven was an adventurous find. Fuel up the tank and now I headed to the back gate to base to deliver a wallet to my husband. Thought he was at the base theater for his TAMP class, so after sitting in the parking lot with two sleeping boys, pulling them both out of the van to go into the theater, I find out the class has been relocated to a point down the street.
I drop of the wallet, nearly throwing it out the window to him as I rush to pick up number one son who has now beat me home. There was a volunteer Tea at the school scheduled from 1-2pm. Went to that, then had a hard time finding the two older boys on the playground, because now I have to rush over to Naval Hospital for a Dr. appointment at 2:20pm. Guess who was ten minutes late? That's right, you guessed correctly. I was late. Wasn't sure if they were going to see me.
Picked up husband, came home. My head hurts, my kids are tired beyond belief and I have no idea what to do about dinner. On the up side, I got a cool little certificate for helping out at my son's school.
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